Accounting is a vital part of your business and definitely not one that you should ignore. However, staying on top of your business accounting can be difficult when you're not good at bookkeeping. And that's why it's important to find the right bookkeeper to help you out.
Make Sure They Are Licensed and Registered
If you work with a bookkeeper, you want to ensure that they are licensed and registered. Doing this means you can be sure they are legally allowed to work in accounting and bookkeeping.
A bookkeeper who's licensed and registered will be able to have all of the qualifications that you need in your bookkeeper.
Ask for References
Your next step is to get in touch with some of your bookkeeper's previous employers. This is to make sure that they can do the job correctly. Ask them if they are happy with their bookkeeper's work and if they would hire them again. And while you're at it, ask them to provide you with some previous work that's been done by your bookkeeper.
Consider Their Skills and Experience
Make sure that you check out your bookkeeper's skills and experience. To do this, ask them how they got into bookkeeping, what they've worked on before, and what they're working on now.
You want someone who's experienced, but you don't want to hire a complete beginner either. If you do hire a bookkeeper with no previous experience, consider training them and showing them the ropes.
Check Their Trustworthiness
Your bookkeeper will have your company's bank account information. And that means that they'll be able to access any of your assets. This makes bookkeepers, who are untrustworthy, a serious problem.
It's vital that you trust your bookkeeper and that they're someone who's honest and trustworthy.
Take a Look at What Services They Can Provide
As well as the bookkeeping services that you want, look into what other services your bookkeeper can offer you. For example, if you are looking for a bookkeeper that provides a tax return service, your bookkeeper should be able to do this for you.
Make Sure They Know Your Business
Your bookkeeper should know all about your business. This is to make sure that they can provide the best services for you and your company.
Your bookkeeper should be able to think outside the box and work with you to provide you with the best accounting and bookkeeping services. Additionally, they should be able to think ahead and be able to know what your business needs in the future.
Ask for a Free Consultation
Your final step is to ask for a free consultation. This will allow you to sit down with your bookkeeper and discuss your business.
During this meeting, you can ask for an overview of your business and a look into what they are able to provide you with. You can also ask your bookkeeper any questions that you may have about their services and how they work.
Final Thoughts
Getting the right bookkeeper for your business is an important choice. You want a fully qualified accountant who can provide you with the accounting and bookkeeping services you need. And you’d also want to ensure that your bookkeeper can be trusted and has good communication skills.
Stay on top of your business accounting with the help of The ECommerce Accountant. We are an accountant for eCommerce that has a passion for all things eCommerce. We aim to empower, excite and build confidence in businesses through clarity in their figures. Get in touch with us today!