Many new business owners like to run eCommerce sites as their main venture. It’s because of the increased demand for these services, just like Amazon. But most eCommerce businesses often struggle with handling their finances effectively since there are many expenses and managing costs involved. Fortunately, we have the basic information you need to help you get better oriented.
This article will discuss three basic aspects of eCommerce accounting to remember as you start considering ways to streamline your online business operations. Take this as an opportunity to become more knowledgeable about how money is used in your line of work. This way, you can become a better entrepreneur and navigate through the financial side easier as you find ways to ensure you can meet customers’ demands.
Inventory management costs
Just because all your products and services are on the Internet doesn’t mean they are always in stock. That’s what inventory management is for and why the costs can be pricey, especially if you manage many supplies. You have to look into the shipping and storage prices.
You may also have the pay for the warehouse rental fee and the maintenance costs. If you are shipping nationwide and internationally, you may have to look at tariffs and taxes. All these costs and other miscellaneous fees are called Cost of Goods Sold (COGS).
If you are just starting out as an eCommerce business, find ways to keep your COGS within a reasonable budget to avoid any losses. Meanwhile, if you also want to avoid any costly mistakes, it would be best to be at the guidance of a business accountant who can help you recalibrate any projections and give you the advice you need.
Online advertising spending
Since you are running an eCommerce business, you want to get the word out about your products and services to different online users, especially those interested in your brand. Luckily, online advertising is now more targeted, allowing you to reach your ideal customers with just a few clicks. However, you have to spend money on high-quality services, like pay-per-click advertising and search engine optimisation.
The best method to make the most of your advertising budget is to have a budget for spending. This way, you can put a limit on how much you want. You can also consider the risk factors with your business accountant as they provide you with the decision-making support you need. After all, they have experience with different clients, making them the best advisor for your business.
Overhead expenses
If you are a first-time business owner, you may not know what overhead is, which refers to all your eCommerce business-related costs that aren't linked to your products and services. These include business property insurance, cleaning services, and office supplies, like computers and Internet providers.
You can decide what you choose to spend on overhead, but it would be best to request the professional advice of your accountant just to ensure you make well-informed financial decisions.
Overhead encompasses everything related to your business that isn’t directly related to your products. This includes salaries, space rental costs, office supplies, software and service subscriptions, and insurance costs.
The financial side of running an eCommerce business is complex and has many aspects. Fortunately, you at least have a better understanding of the basics. All you need to do is find accounting professionals to help you manage your costs, profits, and financial stability. Bolster your business’s financial management by putting it in the hands of the experts.
Are you looking for a professional eCommerce accounting firm to manage your finances and expenditures? Consult with us at The ECommerce Accountant. We can provide you with the professional services to ensure you meet all your bookkeeping, cash flow projections, and other accountancy-related tasks. Contact us today to find out how else we can help you!